Returns Policy

Floaton offers a 30-day return policy for items in their original condition and packaging. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but if you’re not, we’re here to help.


You have 30 days from delivery to initiate a return. Items must be in original condition and packaging. If not, we may refuse the return or deduct up to 30% from your refund.

To start a return, fill out our Return Request or contact us at or call 615.906.7395.

After your Return Form is approved, our customer service team will send you return labels. The shipping cost will be deducted from your refund. Once we receive your item and verify its condition, we’ll process your refund within a few days to your original payment method.
Please note that shipping and handling charges from the original order are non-refundable, and duties and taxes for international customers are also non-refundable.